简介:深圳市明示建筑装饰设计工程有限公司成立于1997年,业务范围涵盖建筑\外观设计,规划及景观设计咨询,装饰设计及施工,在深圳及珠三角地区有着良好的声誉及业绩,公司拥有强大的设计团队、先进的理念和丰富的经验,各个时期的作品屡次获得各级专业设计及施工大奖: 1)法国AIRWELL集团中国总部获2009现代装饰国际传媒年度办公空间大奖 Annual international media prize 2009 (office design) for the China headquarter, AIRWELL group (French) 2)法国AIRWELL集团中国总部获金指环全球室内设计大奖2008金奖 Golden ring award of global interior design 2008 for the China headquarter, AIRWELL group (French) 3)花样年.香年广场创新总部9.6米办公空间设计获2009年中国(上海)国际建筑及室内设计节“金外滩”最优秀概念设计奖 Award of “The Golden Bund”, International Architecture & Interior Design affair (Shanghai, China) 2009, for the project “9.6m office of Fantasia, headquarter of XiangNian Square” 4)2010年度国际空间设计大奖‘艾特奖’最优秀照明设计提名奖 Award nomination, The Best Design Award of Lighting Design (Idea-Tops), 2010 International Interior Design Cultural Festival 5)长青国际总部获第四届中国(深圳)国际文化产业博览交易会展创意作品银奖 The Silver prize of creative and innovative works, 4th international cultural industry expro (Shenzhen, China), Evergreen International Industrial Park 6)登喜来KTV 获第三届中国(深圳)室内设计文化节娱乐类金奖 Golden Prize of Entertainment, 3rd China (Shenzhen) Interior Design Cultural Festival, Sheraton KTV 7)登喜来KTV 获中国设计三十情怀娱乐类最优秀案例奖 The Best Case Prize in Entertainment over 3 Decade in China, Sheraton KTV, 8)三棵树办公楼大堂装修设计大赛获第一名 The best design for the lobby of administration building, SKSHU coating co., Ltd 9)花样年.香年广场创新总部9.6米办公空间大赛 获最优秀创意奖 The Best Creative Design for the “9.6m Office Competition”, headquarter of Fantasia.Xiangnian Square 10)香港时霸诺德中心写字楼 获亚太室内设计双年大奖赛企业组奖 Award of enterprise group, the Biennial Competition for Interior Design (Asia Pacific), office of Hong Kong Time Pose Center, 11)香港时霸诺德中心写字楼 获第二届广东室内设计大赛银奖 The Silver Prize of the 2nd Guangdong Interior Design Competition, Office of Hong Kong Time Pose Center 12)岭尚时代一居室样板间 获佳得宝.鹏城杯样板房设计大赛银奖 Silver prize of Baopeng cup showroom design competition, showroom (single room apartment) of Minenao Times 13)岭尚时代二居室样板间 获佳得宝.鹏城杯样板房设计大赛铜奖 Bronze Prize of Baopeng Cup Showroom Design Competition, 2- room apartment showroom of Minenao Times 14)法国AIRWELL集团中国总部办公楼获“蓝星杯”第五届中国威海国际建筑设计大奖赛优秀奖 Excellent project of 5th “Blue Star Cup”, WeiHai (China) International Architecture Design Competition, for the China headquarter, AIRWELL group (French) 15)hotel bee、miss city西餐厅获2010中国国际空间环境艺术设计大赛‘ 筑巢奖’优秀奖 Award of Excellence, Hotel Bee/MISS Bar & Restaurant, “Nest Award” of 2010 International Space Environmental & Art Design Competition 16)Hotel-bee获2010亚太室内设计双年大奖赛最优秀设计方案提名奖 The Best Design Proposal Nomination, Hotel Bee, Asia Pacific Interior Design Biennial Awards 2010 (IAI AWARDS) 17)miss city西餐厅获2010年度优秀餐饮空间设计金堂奖 Jintang Prize, MISS Bar & Restaurant, The Best Design Award of Dining Space 2010 18)miss city获2010第五届海峡两岸四地室内设计大赛餐饮建筑空间铜奖 Bronze Prize in Design of Dining Space, miss city, The 5th Interior Design Competition of Cross-Strait (Taiwan, Hong Kong, Macau and mainland China)- 19)Miss city获2010亚太室内设计双年大奖赛参观空间设计优秀奖 Miss City, Outstanding Award, Asia Pacific Interior Design Biennial Awards (IAI AWARDS) Visit Space Design 2010 20)BRASSERIE拿破仑法国餐厅 获中国(深圳)第二届室内设计文化节餐饮空间类铜奖 The Bronze Prize (restaurant) of the 2nd Interior Design Cultural Festival (Shenzhen, China), Nepoleon's French Brasserie 21)获2009年中国(深圳)前岸艺术酒店内部空间设计国际公开赛 “三等奖” The “Third Prize” of International Open Competition for Inner Space Design 2009 (Shenzhen, China), QA Art Hotel 22)明示设计展位获第四届中国(深圳)室内设计文化节最优秀展示设计奖 The Best Display Design Prize of 4th Interior Design Cultural Festival (Shenzhen, China), M & M Booth 23)明示设计展位获第三届中国(深圳)室内设计文化节最优秀展示设计奖 The Best Display Design Prize of 4th Interior Design Cultural Festival (Shenzhen, China), M & M Booth 24)明示设计展位获第四届中国(深圳)国际文化产业博览交易会优秀展示奖 The Excellent Display Design Prize of 4th International Cultural Industry Expo (Shenzhen, China), M & M Booth (优秀的公司需要优秀的您,期待您的加入) 公司地址:深圳市福田区彩田南路彩虹新虹海鹰大厦19F 公司总机:0755--82915726 公司邮箱:mingshi1998@tom.com
姓名 李晓亚 证书名称 一级注册建造师
发证日期 执业印章号 粤14********01
注册专业 建筑工程 注册证书编号 JZ****01
有效期至 2023-06-15
注册单位 深圳市明示建筑装饰设计工程有限公司
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